The Shapelinks Way To Win - Eliciting YOUR Excellence

The Greatest Self-Empowerment Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires
Self-Empowerment Shortcuts of Champions and Leaders
The Shapelinks Way To Win is here for YOU YOU YOU!

Self-empowerment is a byword at the Shapelinks Way To Win.

Self-empowerment is obviously your fastest ticket to accelerated success. Use great shortcuts, get greater results.
Self-empowerment is inarguably your ticket to accelerated success. Greater shortcuts beget greater results.
We want you to succeed, so let's get busy, hm?     Welcome to the Shapelinks Way To Win.
Hit the floor and give me fifty.  --   No, not pushups - a list of fifty people, agencies, and organizations that can help you.

Every time you write one down, you free up another memory block in your brain so you can produce another.
This is one of the five most ignored powertools of life. Of all PowerGems that produce fast and well,
the PowerGem of writing a list of people who can help, and agencies that might be able to help,
and organizations with staff who just wish for people like you to seek their assistance,
that's a PowerGem you need to stop ignoring and start attending, as in this moment.
Every single time you create such a list, you not only expand your horizons,
you are physically and electrically exercising a muscle in your brain.
This muscle, which does nothing but resolve and resolve and resolve,
does not even KNOW how to do anything other than resolve.
The more you use it, the smarter you get.
The more you use it, the more you get.

Don't poke holes at what you don't understand. It's a trait of ignorance.
Remain flexible until you actually have factual reasons to accept or reject it.
Stop explaining why shortcuts don't work. Just use them and see them work for you.

Those who say shortcuts do not work should stop interrupting those who are using them.
That previous sentence has more than one meaning, and carries instantaneously-useful power.
Every second that you allow to float past you is gone, crushed into oblivion.
Every second that you grab multiplies more than merely increasing.
After designing and producing a couple of thousand chapters,
the Shapelinks Way To Win needed expansion,
so up to a thousand quite unique versions of each,
INDIVIDUALLY opened and artistically uniquified,
lovingly caressed by both hemispheric influences,
both expressing observations and seeking to entice you,
were divided up among more than a thousand different websites.
The first nine hundred MisterShortcut sites were all at free hosts.
These free hosts are thanked with such depth of sincerity and repetition.
Their contribution has been second only to yours, the individuals who have clicked through.
The putatively silly idea, in 1998, of generating fifty thousand cups of food for starving people,
maybe even a hundred thousand, has now grown into millions and millions and then tens of millions of cups,
each literally overflowing, because each clickthrough to thehungersite generates 1.1 cups of food for the starving.

The entire idea of it being 1.1 cups of food, ensuring that the cup itself overflows, is both artistic in itself,
and serves to remind us of the still-growing greed that requires us to fill the cup so fully, like a baker's dozen.
The baker's dozen - the practice of giving 13 items for every dozen purchased, has a history worth remembering.
In medieval times, during a period when money flowed primarily upwards to the haves,
a period which history proves is always and without exception just prior to upheaval,
too many merchants were cheating too many laborers: thumbs on scales, and other cheats.
So, the law of the land was changed that any merchant caught cheating had his hand chopped off.
Merchants were so terrified of false accusations they began giving thirteen items for every twelve purchased.
Buy a dozen rolls or bagels or loaves of bread? Thirteen were given with every dozen just to make certain.
Sounds brutual, yet it worked very well. the consumer got a good deal, and protection to boot.
Greed today has gone truly beserk. Nothing wrong with stashing a dozen steaks for tomorrow.
It's when you start saving thousands of steaks while your neighbor starves; that's sick.
One of every two people on the planet is starving to death. If that sounds ok to you,
you're in the wrong place, the Shapelinks Way To Win is not for you.
The Shapelinks Way To Win is for people in possession of a heart.
Write down who can help you out. Make it your business to help.
The combination of your decency, and the decency of others,
will in fact combine to accelerate your success.
All because you wrote it down on paper, hm?

Learn more in order to live more, at the Shapelinks Way To Win.
Designed because you deserve to excel using great shortcuts
You can even say that this is produced to promote,
not a product, rather, YOUR progress into success.
and brought to you by the CEO of your fan club.
Our role models and the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You

These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the best,
and provably YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy, the Shapelinks Way To Win is free for your life.

Regrettably, only IE and compatible browsers can see most of the EyeCandy.
Have no fear. A) There are hundreds of thousands of EyeCandy bits.
B) PowerGems are what you need to find here.
With millions of pages, find plenty of PowerGems.

Let's remember to feed those who are hungrier by giving, at no cost to you.
Easy Way To Become A Hero Of The Health-Oriented LifePath !
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
When we click this food button and the one that pops open we literally save a human life... no charge to either of us!
Is this cool, or what?   PLUS, in the very next minute your mood dramatically elevates,
and most people get the same kick every time they click through, saving another life.

One of two humans on this planet is starving.  Do something.

How to give billions

The Shapelinks Way To Win and the Health-Oriented LifePath,
designed to be your wealthiest and healthiest websites,
are literally rich with our healthiest shortcuts to Longevity and wealth.
These deliciously interactive pages, all surrounding the subjects of self=empowerment and success,
were created in pursuit of the best in you, developing more your inner potential.

Considering how delicious the Shapelinks Way To Win creations are,
what do you think of adding "Most Delicious Website" to the list?
After all, this page is a bit bottlicious, isn't it?

Bottlicious, Inc. - a MisterShortcut design.
All rights reserved for people like Paul Newman,
world-class champion of shortcuts, giant among givers,
the people who end up living more because of their giving more.