The ball is literally in your court.
If you're waiting for people at the top
to just reach down and pull you up "because,",
then you are best instructed by the timeless wisdom
that teaches us, "God helps those who help themselves."
It is the first step to sharing with others while maintaining self.
There is no religion here, because the most knowledgeable man alive,
with more than fifteen thousand good books under his belt, some repeatedly,
has determined that you are religion; formal religions have too many deviances,
including our two oldest, strongest religions. Sorry, the conflicts prove it all.
Your financial wealth is likely to double in the next one hundred days.
The payment you're expected to make to us should be for food.
Don't send money here; send food to people near you.
If you have five steaks and you don't share one,
you are not the type of person worth meeting.
You will benefit little here, less there.
Who gives more tends to live more.
That exceeds the call and tone
of your poor irrelegion.
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