Best Birthday
Present In The World
You end up making more money AND sleeping better, consistently,
when you become certain that you will affect history, hugely, with this shortcut.
A thousand times greater than even Benjamin Franklin and his so-called "strangest bequest".
When you take money in, take three dollars and place it in a birthday jar or can.
This 3-dollar surcharge is how you get personal, powerful use of the PowerGem that teaches us "Pay yourself first so you have more to pay others with."
Pay yourself first
$3 from every source of income you receive, forever. At each birthday, you'll have at least $150, yes?
Take one-third of the total and buy something just for you that will bring you pleasure. A fringe benefit of this is the one-conditional guarantee you WILL be appreciated by at least one person. the one condition, of course, is that you have to stick to putting three dollars aside every time you take money in, whether daily, weekly, etc. You'll never go a year without at least one birthday present. Here comes the best part.
Give Billions of Dollars with a single hundred-dollar bill
Take the other two thirds, and open a bank account. Go to the bank manager and explain, verbally or in writing, that this bank account is to be left untouched for two hundred years, at which point the bank, or its successor bank, can take one percent of the total at that point to identify and give a share of 96% of the total to the poorest three percent of the people within a hundred miles of where you established the fund, provided that each person, within one year of notification, provides a written or printed, (oral list if they are illiterate) of how they intend to use one third of their new wealth to have fun and how they intend to use two-thirds of their new wealth to create new wealth.
The remaining three percent is to be reinvested similarly for another two hundred years. No more than half of this three percent can be diverted to the inevitable legal fees and battles. Anything beyond that portion is to come from the bank's one percent commission for administering the fund.
What a fantastic birthday present to yourself, knowing you'll be giving away - get ready - billions of dollars - to hungry, hungry people. Even better: these billions of your dollars are produced from EACH ONE of the hundred-dollar annual gifts you buy for yourself. Change the face of the world. Immortality, and real, lasting, benefit to mankind. Thousands of millionaires for each hundred dollars you invest in Man's future!!
ow. Is that a great birthday present to look forward to each year? If you understand Newton's 3rd Law of Physics, you will soon reap benefits from sources you never expected. This technique is sensationally consistent. You WILL see wonderful results... quickly.
Sure, there are different ways to set up a tax-free fund you add $100 per year to. You figure out which is best for you. Isn't it worth the effort?
The numerous short-term benefits you also get are mere gravy. Yes, it sounds trite and corny when reminded that giving is quite half of what we receive in life. Again, Newton's 3rd law cannot be ignored by the rational mind. For starters, when you open that 100-dollar bank account or other instrument, knowing that you're creating several billion dollars, and that entire populations will have full stomachs just because of you, you walk taller and more firmly which causes at least eighty percent of the people you encounter to notice the difference and incrementally treat you a bit better; NOT because you gave big, rather, because you are projecting yourself with greater power. It's inevitable, and you see it yourself in everyone whom you think of as powerful. They act as if they are, and they become the way they act. That's a big part of paying yourself first. You're not expected to understand all the why and wherefores; only how to duplicate the results of those already baking a better cake. It's faster to copy a successful recipe than it is to figure it out by guesswork or trial and error.
It's comparable to putting away these tasty little tidbits that can be dipped into at will. Even with people as stubborn as you several alterations immediately occur in the core beliefs that determine your every decision.
Don't be mistaken here by the temptation to nod and zip along: every decision you make has a foundation. When you boost the quality of the foundation you instantly boost the quality of your decision-making process. This does NOT take months or years to learn! You already know it!
You're just not using this magic, instantly-effective wisdom as much as you can, should, and, if you've got any brains worth mentioning, certainly will be.
I'm not sharing my opinion with you, these are the words, quotes and daily steps taken by the dazzling array of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires I've had the great good fortune to interview and/or break bread with.
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